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GeniA Slack App Bot¶


For the Slack GPT Bot to function effectively, it's crucial to establish the correct permissions for your Slack bot. Please follow the forthcoming guidelines to set up the necessary permissions.


When it comes to Choosing a protocol to connect to Slack, there are two primary options. In this instance, we utilize Socket Mode, enabling your app to leverage the Events API and the platform's interactive components without the need for a public HTTP Request URL. Instead of sending payloads to a public endpoint, Slack employs a WebSocket URL to communicate with your app.

  1. In the project's root directory, mv the .env.template into .env file and input your Slack keys
  2. Create a new Slack App.
  3. Navigate to your Slack API Dashboard and select the app you've created for this bot.
  4. On the left-hand side menu, click on OAuth & Permissions.
  5. Within the Scopes division, there are two categories of scopes: Bot Token Scopes and User Token Scopes. Append the following scopes under Bot Token Scopes: app_mentions:read chat:write channels:history groups:history im:history mpim:history
  6. Ascend to the OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace and hit the Install App To Workspace button. This operation will produce the SLACK_BOT_TOKEN.
  7. On the left-hand side menu, click on Socket Mode and activate it. You'll be asked to Generate an app-level token to enable Socket Mode. Generate a token labeled SLACK_APP_TOKEN and include the connections:write scope.
  8. In the Socket Mode page's Features affected section, hit Event Subscriptions and switch Enable Events to the On state. Append the app_mention event, coupled with the app_mentions:read scope in the Subscribe to bot events subsection below the toggle.